Frequently Asked Questions
What is East Asian Medicine?

Often called Chinese Medicine, East Asian Medicine is an integrated approach to health care based on more than 2,000 years of practical application. It incorporates the healing traditions of China, Korea, Japan, Vietnam and other regional areas, into a dynamic and comprehensive healing system.
The basis of East Asian Medicine lies in the philosophy and the concepts of Yin and Yang and the ability of the practitioner to interpret signs and symptoms from the body into a deeper understanding, as to the origin of the presenting problem, the (current) ability of the body to heal itself, and if untreated the possible direction that the present condition may evolve into.
From this understanding, specific treatment modalities have evolved which focus on bringing the forces of yin and yang (of the body), back into harmony. Incorporated in this approach to healing is the use of specific diagnostic techniques which can identify which organs / energy channels of the body are out of balance and how best to re-establish harmony, both in the body and also in the mental /emotional state of the person who is seeking assistance.

Some of the modalities used in the clinical setting are Acupuncture, Herbal Medicine, Massage, Exercise therapy and Meditation, Dietary advice and Lifestyle counselling.

What can East Asian Medicine do for me?

Traditional East Asian Medicine can provide you with the foundation for a comprehensive “healing” of your body and your mind. It will facilitate an opening up of your body’s natural healing powers, ensuring your optimum level of health and wellbeing is attained.

What kind of treatment do I need?

This will be determined when you come to the clinic and will be based upon the diagnosis you will receive. Your opinion will at all times be respected and you will only receive a treatment you feel comfortable with.

Does acupuncture hurt?

Acupuncture uses very fine, pre- sterilised disposable needles which are inserted in specific points of the body. A mild sensation is often felt but it is seldom uncomfortable. A feeling of complete relaxation is usually experienced once the needles have been inserted.

How long does a treatment last for?

Depending on what treatment you are having, treatments usually last from between 45 minutes to one hour.

How long will it take before I feel better?

In most instances you will feel an improvement during the first treatment. This is usually experienced as a feeling of lightness and relaxation, and any pain or discomfort you had before the treatment should be noticeably improved. This indicates that your blood circulation and energy system has been positively affected, as your natural healing powers have been stimulated into action.

However, if you have had a condition for a long time, the rate of healing will be more gradual. Remember, whatever treatment you have will only assist your body in healing itself and the rate of healing will depend on how your body responds to the treatment.

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